The four years of high school are an exciting part of your educational journey! The choices you make now can lead to successful and enjoyable careers and experiences later in life. Students and their families should put time and thought into their school schedule each year. Start by accessing the tools in Naviance to connect your interests and strengths with college and career exploration. Then use the resources here to explore more than 200 classes to help you develop your academic strengths, personal interests, and career dreams and goals!
Advisors and unit counselors work together to help students with the scheduling process. Each year we distribute grade-specific scheduling information to students. Classroom teachers may make a recommendation as to the next course a student should take. Students are then responsible for entering their course requests in Home Access Center during a specific time period.
Please use the resources below plus any materials provided by your adviser or counselor prior to creating your schedule. Current high school students will have access to a Graduation Progress Report and their 4-year Graduation Plan. You can also search through course descriptions and review graduation requirements by clicking on the appropriate tabs on this page.
The CHS Guidance team has created videos and corresponding Google Slides to support students and families with the scheduling process.
The Advanced Placement (AP) Program offers college-level courses and exams students can take in high school.
If you are interested in taking an AP course, please work with the CHS Guidance office. An AP Fair is held at CHS each year in January.
Career Tech Education programs assist students in transitioning to college and in guiding students toward successful careers. At Centerville High School, Career Technical Education begins in the junior year of high school with an emphasis on continuing on to college with post-secondary education. Each year in January, sophomores attend a career education expo at CHS.
College Credit Plus (CCP) can help you earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking college courses from community colleges or universities. The purpose of this program is to promote rigorous academic pursuits and to provide a wide variety of options to college-ready students.
Remember, you MUST complete the Intent to Participate form every year before April 1!
All students must earn two graduation seals to be eligible for graduation. One seal must be a state-defined seal. This sample Graduation Progress Report includes detailed information about the graduation seals, and the links below provide additional resources that may help with earning some of the seals.
This page includes a searchable database of courses offered at Centerville High School. You can select a grade level and/or subject to see available courses. You can also search by keyword (i.e. business). Note: If you are searching by keyword, you must select ALL for both the grade and subject.
Course progression charts and additional information can be found in the 2024-25 Course of Studies booklet. In addition, a complete table of courses can be found here, and student athletes can refer to this table for the NCAA approved courses. Courses marked as electives will fulfill graduation requirements before counting as an elective credit. If you have questions, please talk to your advisor or counselor.
Academic Transitions 1 is a semester course for students interested in developing high school and post-high school study skills including preparing for tests, managing time, and staying organized. Students will learn how to access available resources and use assistive technology to improve academic skills. Additional topics include motivation, memory, learning differences, and self-advocacy. Students will set goals, monitor grades, identify missing assignments, and track study habits on a weekly/daily basis.
Academic Transitions 2 is a semester course for students who have completed ATC 1 and need additional time during the day to complete assignments, study for tests, and stay organized. Students earn a 1/2 of an elective credit and are graded Pass/Fail. To "Pass" ATC 2, students need to participate in the Daily Habits introduced in ATC 1. Prerequisites: ATC 1 and teacher recommendation.
Accounting is recommended for students planning to major in any type of business in college. Accounting is also of interest to students who plan to own their own business or use financial knowledge for personal reasons. Students develop an understanding of basic accounting concepts and principles by covering the accounting cycle. They will learn the rules of debit and credit, analyzing and journalizing transactions, posting to the general ledger, worksheets, preparation of financial statements, and banking and credit practices. Peachtree accounting software will be used to introduce students to computer accounting procedures by setting up charts of accounts, journalizing transactions and preparing financial statements.
Adaptive Physical Education is a course designed to provide adaptive experiences to help students engage in the Ohio Learning Standards for Physical Education.
This is a full-year, ensemble class geared toward mastering the fundamentals of acting through individual and collaborative performances as well as analysis of contemporary and classical texts. There will also be opportunities to begin to learn the craft of directing through scene work and script interpretation. This class will culminate in a final production. Advanced Acting and Directing may be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Advanced Ceramics (AC) Studio is a class for 11th or 12th grade students, is for the serious student who has completed Ceramics I and II and wishes to continue to refine their skills with clay while pursuing a personal artistic vision. Students will work with the instructor to create a plan that will produce a body of work that reflects their personal vision, whether functional or non-functional. The work produced in this class will be of high technical quality and will show proficiency in critical thinking and problem solving. Students will be expected to exhibit their work during the second quarter of the course. A.C.S. students will be expected to participate in the daily operations of the ceramic studio including loading and unloading kilns, mixing glazes, preparing kiln shelves, and maintaining equipment. Out of class work in the form of sketchbook assignments and research, along with student critiques, will provide feedback and strengthen students’ skills in critical thinking and problem solving. Prerequisites: Ceramics 1 and 2 and teacher recommendation.
Honors AP Studio Art and Advanced Ceramics Studio may be taken twice in a school year.
Expands on the principles and applications learned in Digital Art & Design. Students develop and create detailed interactive projects in a professional design studio environment using Adobe Creative Suite. Students will explore advanced interactivity, photo manipulation, cartoon character development and basic game design, as well experience hands-on experience in client management within CHS and the Centerville School District. The class is fast-paced and requires independent production. Prerequisite: Digital Art & Design.
This course is for students who have proven their videotaping and editing skills in Videography or a similar course. Students will work, with the instructor’s guidance, to create independent projects and assist other staff members in recording and editing projects.
This course is designed for the student who has advanced skills in woodworking. This class gives students the opportunity to work more independently on more custom projects. Students must demonstrate advanced skills and ability to work independently. Completion of an instructor approved project and project portfolio is required. Custom Woodworking I and II is a prerequisite. Instructor approval is required for acceptance into the class. Students must pay for the materials used in making projects and are also charged a lab fee. Students may repeat Advanced Custom Woodworking Technology. Students are required to provide a personal pair of clear (Ansi Z 87) safety glasses.
Algebra 1 is a one-year course aligned with the Ohio Learning Standards for Mathematics. Areas of focus include number and quantity, functions (linear, absolute value, quadratic, and exponential), statistics and probability. Real world application and modeling is woven into all areas of focus. Ownership and use of a scientific calculator is required. Ownership of a graphing calculator (TI-83, TI-84 or equivalent) is recommended.
Students enrolled in this course are required to take the End of Year State Assessment.