Airbnb House Manual Template: Free Guide for Hosts

When I first decided to list my house on AirBnB, I spent A LOT of time researching online to figure out what I needed to include in my house manual. I had stayed in a bunch of AirBnB’s over the years, so I had a general idea, but I couldn’t find just one comprehensive resource for all of my questions. I also didn’t want to re-invent the wheel and create a document from scratch!

You can cut to the chase and Download my FREE Airbnb House Manual Template in Microsoft Word. You still need to fill in the details of your property, obviously, but hopefully this saves you some time in thinking about what categories are required, and what details are essential!

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In the world of vacation rentals, providing a top-notch guest experience is paramount to success. One great way to enhance your Airbnb listing and ensure a seamless stay for your guests is by creating an Airbnb house manual. This comprehensive guide will cover everything from the most important things to include in your manual, how to format it effectively, and why it's a crucial aspect of your Airbnb business.

Why an Airbnb House Manual is a Great Idea

Imagine arriving at a new place for your vacation, tired and eager to settle in. The first thing you want is to access important information about the property, local recommendations, and house rules. An Airbnb house manual provides just that and more. It's a valuable resource that not only enhances the guest experience but also serves as a tool for the smooth operation of your rental property.

Here are some compelling reasons why creating an Airbnb house manual is a great idea:

1. Enhances the Guest Experience

A well-structured house manual offers a warm welcome and a personal touch to your guests. It provides them with essential information that ensures a hassle-free and enjoyable stay. Guests will appreciate your effort to make their stay memorable. I always appreciate having a house manual to reference for those common questions so I don’t have to bother my host, and when I’m hosting it’s nice not to answer the same questions over and over!

2. Provides Crucial Information

Your house manual is the go-to resource for your guests to find information about the property. It should include key information such as check-in and check-out times, contact information, Wi-Fi details, and how to operate appliances like the air conditioning and coffee machine. If the guest is booking a longer stay, routines like garbage pick-up and housekeeping schedules are also very useful.

3. Sets Clear Boundaries and Expectations

House manuals also serve as a repository for your Airbnb house rules. It's essential to establish clear boundaries to avoid any misunderstandings during the guest's stay. Rules regarding smoking, parties, and pet policies should be outlined clearly. You also need to include any details about recording devices on the exterior of the home. AirBnB does not allow any interior recording devices.

4. Offers Local Recommendations

Guests often seek local recommendations for restaurants, grocery stores, historical landmarks, theme parks, and more. Including these in your manual can help guests explore the surrounding area and make the most of their stay. A few favorite restaurant recommendations or nearby playgrounds for the kids can be so nice for visitors!

5. Ensures Safety and Peace of Mind

Emergency information such as the nearest hospital, fire extinguisher locations, and contact details for local authorities should be readily available. Providing this information can offer peace of mind to your guests. Every place has a slightly different process for accessing emergency services. Make it easy for your guests to know how to access help in case of an emergency!

What to Include in Your Airbnb House Manual

Now that we've established the importance of having a house manual, let's delve into the specifics of what you should include to create a winning Airbnb house manual:

1. Welcome Page

Begin with a warm welcome message that sets the tone for the guest's stay. Express your excitement about hosting them and offer assistance if needed. A friendly Airbnb welcome letter can go a long way in making guests feel at home.

2. Contact Information

Provide your contact details, including your phone number and email address. In case of any issues or questions, guests should be able to reach you easily. You may also consider including an alternate contact person if you're not available.

3. Check-In and Check-Out Instructions

Outline clear check-in and check-out times and procedures. Include information on how to obtain keys or access the property, whether it's through a lockbox, electronic keypad, or in-person check-in. Simple parking directions can also be helpful.

4. House Rules

List your Airbnb house rules in a clear and concise manner. Cover topics such as smoking policies, pet policies, noise restrictions, and any other specific rules you have in place. Setting expectations upfront can prevent issues during the guest's stay.

5. Air Conditioning and Heating

Explain how to operate the air conditioning and heating systems in your property. Provide clear instructions on setting the thermostat to ensure guests are comfortable throughout their stay.

6. Kitchen Appliances

If your rental property includes a kitchen, provide instructions for all essential appliances, such as the stove, oven, microwave, dishwasher, and coffee machine. Guests will appreciate knowing how to use these appliances effectively.

7. Room-by-Room Guide

Offer a room-by-room guide to your property, highlighting unique features and amenities in each space. This can help guests navigate the property and discover its special touches.

8. Local Recommendations

Share recommendations for local restaurants, grocery stores, historical landmarks, theme parks, bookstores, souvenir shops, and other attractions. Include addresses, contact details, and any insider tips you may have.

9. Transportation and Local Events

Provide information about transportation options, such as the nearest airport, shuttle services, and local transport options. Mention any upcoming local events or festivals that guests might want to attend.

10. Emergency Information

Include crucial emergency information, such as the nearest hospital, fire extinguisher locations, and contact details for local authorities. It's essential to prioritize guest safety.

11. Contact for Additional Features

If your rental property offers additional features like a pool, gym, or laundry facilities, provide contact information or instructions on how to access these amenities.

12. Digital Version of Your House Manual

Consider creating a digital version of your house manual in the form of a PDF document. This allows guests to access the information on their devices, even when they're not at the property. You can also share it via email before their arrival for added convenience.

13. Stylish Presentation

Present your house manual in a stylish way that reflects the aesthetics of your property. Use high-quality images and a clean layout to make it visually appealing. You can create your manual using software like Microsoft Word or Google Docs for a professional finish.

14. Easy Access

Place a physical copy of your house manual on the coffee table or in a prominent location within the rental property. Ensure that guests can find it easily when they need information.

15. Clear Instructions

When providing instructions, be concise and use simple language. Avoid jargon or technical terms that guests may not understand. Use bullet points or numbered lists for clarity.