The Body Checking Questionnaire (BCQ) (Reas et al. 2002) is a 23-item self-report inventory designed to assess the frequency of body checking behaviors. Body checking refers to the checking of one’s body shape, weight, or size. The BCQ items measure the frequency of body checking behaviors, such as measuring or pinching specific body parts (e.g., thighs, waist, upper arms, etc.), using mirrors to monitor one’s shape, wearing special clothes or jewelry to gauge fit, or feeling for bone protrusion. Each BCQ item is scored on a 5-point Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (never) to 5 (very often); thus, higher scores indicate higher frequency of checking (total scores range from 23 to 115). The BCQ is the first instrument developed specifically to assess body checking behaviors and has been translated into several languages, including Norwegian, Italian, German, and Portuguese. Prior to its development in 2002, assessment options for body checking were scant, limited to few.